Kirks Apps | KSTerm
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Savvy Start
AKA "Just the good stuff please."
- Menus - do what they say...
- The LED's act as buttons to toggle things on/off
- The upper window is for Received Text (Rx)
- The lower window if for text to Send (Tx)
- Send with [Return] or the Tx button ( upper right / ALT+T )
- Double click the Tx window to start DOS: mode
- Double click the Comm Event Bar to make it large/small
- Comm Event numbers are the fBit bitmaps
- Use ASCII number in square brackets from Send/Tx window to send any ASCII character
- e.g. [10] sends a Line-Feed, [64] sends an At-Sign - @, and [209] sends - Ñ
Command Window Commands:
port: Open
Settings are passed directly to, or read directly from Windows API's
Exception: KSTerm defaults to 9600, 8,N,1
Mini-Footer has a hidden character converter:
* type/paste a single character on the right (look for Mr. mouse), to see its ASCII Input.
* Or type the ASCII there, and press [Enter] to see it in the send screen.
(i.e. the numbers 0 - 255 interpret as ASCII codes)