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Host Setup |Guest Setup | Host Agent Setup | Account Setup

DW-Service -- Regular-Use -- HowTo

Host (Agent) Setup

the Host/Sharer will use these instructions, Controller Instructions
after the Host(Sharer) is done with this page:

To set up Regular Access to a computer see this page.

To begin with, we set up the Host computer - let's call this one "Mom's" computer.
We will need to install the software here called an "Agent.

The person wishing to share their computer needs to follow these instructions:

First you will need the software - which you can download by clicking here:
You will need to be sure to click the word "Agent".
Then select your Operating System. Agree to the terms of use and download the DWservice agent. In this example I selected a Windows PC, but you can just as easily select Mac-OS or Linux.

Image of DW-Service Download Page.

In a Windows computer the program will most likely get saved to your "Downloads" directory (Folder).
To get there you can hold down the Windows key, (to the left of the Alt and Spacebar keys) at the same time as the letter "E" key.
Look around on the left-side and find your "Downloads" folder.
There should be something called, either "dwagent" or "dwagent.exe". Double click on that.

Image of Windows Explorer showing - Downloads.

You should now see something like this:

DW-Service Terms and Conditions for Install or Run."

Be sure to select "Install" then click "Next"

You will be asked to Confirm permission to install, then asked location (just click Next) then a second confirmation that you want to install.

Now you should see:

DW-Service Agent Information Form."

At this point you need the Guest / Remote Support person to help you fill all this out.

The USER is probably an Email
the Password is the Installation password - This needs to match the Installation password set up on the Account. AGENT NAME - can be anything such as "Moms Computer"

After everything is set up, the Remote Support person can login - you may need to give permission,
and then they can share your screen, keyboard and mouse.